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Or click on a license level below to see an overview of specific license features
THARO START is a basic free software that is available for Tharo printers.
Features of START
START is compatible with Tharo printers ONLY
- Support of 40 types of Graphics such as PCX, PCC, EPS, WMF, BMP, JPG and TIF
- Basic Time and Date as Field Data
- Edit Order of User-input Prompts
- Custom Text Formatting
- Selectable Check Digits
- 25 Maximum number of fields on a Format
- Print Queue
- Stage Multiple Print Jobs in Print Queue
- Enable / Disable Printing of Specific Fields
- Print to Multiple Printers from one PC
- Password Security
- Basic Time and Data Functions
SILVER is a basic software that includes fundamental features.
All of the features of START plus...
- Memory Card Download
- Consecutive Numbering Text & Bar Codes
- Support for Paragraph Fields
- Pass Through Function
- Support for Windows Print Drivers
- Print Color Text and Graphics on Color Printers
GOLD is our standard license.
It includes many of EASYLABEL's most desirable features.
All of the features of SILVER plus...
- Database Connections
- OLE DB based database editor
- Print a Format to a File
- Import Data from External Data Sources
- Advanced Time and Date as Field Data
- Read Paragraph Data from a Database
- Embed a Graphic in a Database Record
- Read Bar Code/Text Data from a Database
- Data Validation on User Input
- EAN/UCC 128 Wizard
- GS-1 Bar Code Wizards
- Support for 2D and Composite Barcodes
- Unlimited Number of Fields on a Format
- Ability to Link Fields
- Add-on characters for Bar Codes
- Special Formatting of Fields
- Slanted, Arced for Text Fields
- Field Fill Function
- Allow Blanks for Operator Input Fields
- Internal Database
- Embed Serial Number in Database Record
- Conditional Printing of Database Records
- Print Items with Common Values
- Save Print Queue Upon Exit EASYLABEL
- Mirror Image Printing
- Serial Files
- Arithmetic Functions
- Advanced Time and Date Functions
- Voice Code
PLATINUM is our most powerful license!
Includes all available features excluding network license connection.
All of the features of GOLD plus...
- Command File Monitoring/Processing
- ActiveX® Controls
- XML Monitor
- XML Generator
- Job List File
- Labelcom
- RFID Wizard
- Print History Console
- Tools for FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
- Track Data Field by Field for a Format
- Cross Reference function to link fields from multiple databases together
- List All Format Specs to Laser/Dot Matrix Printer
- Support for Western Telematic Switch Boxes
- Print Only Version (separate license purchase available)
XML and Print Only Key are PLATINUM exclusive features
MULTI-USER is a network-based license that allows many users to run a licensed version of EASYLABEL while only using one license key.
Includes the features of PLATINUM plus...
- Network Support / Licensing
Multiple Concurrent User Network Licenses DO NOT include XML features or Print Only Key compatibility
EASYLABEL Multi-User allows multiple clients to connect to one host computer. This version can be used with any non-Terminal Server Windows Operating System. It has an unlimited number of printer seats available. The number of users starts at 3, but more can be purchased and added onto the license. This version is capable of connecting to both local and network printers.
TERMINAL SERVER is a network-based license that allows many users to run a licensed version of EASYLABEL on a Terminal Server device while only using one license key.
Includes the features of PLATINUM plus...
- Network Support / Licensing
Multiple Concurrent User Network Licenses DO NOT include XML features or Print Only Key compatibility
EASYLABEL Terminal Server is a license specifically designed for the Windows Terminal Server environment.
You can use this version of EASYLABEL with as many users as your Terminal Server is capable of having.
Terminal server includes unlimited printer connections and unlimited number of users. It does connect to all printers via the network.
NET PRINT SERVER (NPS) is a network-based license that allows many users to run a web-based version of EASYLABEL while only using one license key.
Includes the features of PLATINUM plus...
- Network Support / Licensing
Multiple Concurrent User Network Licenses DO NOT include XML features or Print Only Key compatibility
EASYLABEL Net Print Server is a unique style of license, allowing access to the application as well as a web-based interface. The number of users that can connect to the web-based interface is unlimited (as many as your servers can handle). This web interface allows the user to print the labels. The user can select the label they would like to print, fill in any variable data and any typical Print Request information (batch size, number of batches, printer model, etc.), then click Print. The application interface, which can only be accessed by the host machine, can be used to design, create, and print labels.
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