
Released: 02/03/03

Version includes the following new printers:

Datamax E4204


Datamax E4304


Sato M10e


Sato CX208


Sato CX212


Sato M-84 Pro-2


Sato M-84 Pro-3


Sato M-84 Pro-6

TSC TDP-643 Plus

Updates and changes in Version

  1. HP LaserJet and bearer bars

Corrected a problem with the HP driver when printing symbols with bearer bars. Previously, the bars were not positioned correctly with respect to the symbol.

  1. Novexx darkness settings

The Novexx driver has a new printer option to allow for the selection of whether to override the darkness setting made by the printer front panel.

  1. Allow smaller TrueType fonts

Changed the HP, Intermec, Windows, RJS, Sato, and Zebra printer drivers to allow for very small TrueType font sizes.

  1. File information display

Corrected a problem where the file information was sometimes not displayed in the ‘File Open’ dialog.

  1. ‘When Printed’ fields and ‘Save Data’

If the ‘Save Data’ program option was enabled, and a ‘When Printed’ field used a fixed list of values. When printing the second job, the item was not restored to the last used selection. This has been corrected.

  1. Database ‘Form View’ crash

Fixed problem that caused a crash when editing databases in ‘Form View’ and selecting ‘Save’ from the ‘File’ menu.

  1. Novexx and Printronix Code128 function codes

Corrected problems in the Novexx and Printronix drivers that sometimes omitted function codes from the barcode data.

  1. Apollo memory card download

Corrected a problem when downloading same format to the memory card twice. Certain fields were not sent on the second download.

  1. Gemini negative dispense position

Corrected a problem in the Gemini driver where negative dispense position were sent as an invalid value.

  1. ActiveX ELabelBatch

Corrected a problem in the ELabelBatch ActiveX object where an invalid format name would create a print job based on the last format name used.

  1. Pasting large number of fields

Fixed a problem that sometimes caused a program crash when pasting a large number of fields into a format.

  1. Apollo download and fixed quantity

Corrected problem that did not allow for proper selection of ‘Fixed Quantity’ when downloading a format to the memory card.

  1. Database Indirect data source

When creating a field that used ‘Database Indirect’ as the data source, the program would sometimes not allow the field to be created. This has been corrected.

  1. Field ‘Prompt Number’

Corrected a problem with setting the prompt number for a ‘When Printed’ or ‘Database’ field. The program would sometimes display error stating that the prompt number was invalid even if it was valid.

  1. Datamax 2+ driver and formatted paragraphs

When using the 2+ Datamax printer driver and printing text data as a paragraph with character formatting sometimes caused a program crash.

  1. ActiveX unregister

The ActiveX objects are now correctly unregistered when the program is uninstalled. Previously, the objects remained registered even though the ActiveX server was no longer installed.

  1. “Choose All Fields” menu item

After selecting “Choose All Fields” the field specification icon and menu item should have been disabled if all of the chosen fields were not of the same type. This has been corrected.