Report Viewer

NOTE: The Report function is provided for Legacy Support. It is recommended that new users who want to log printed label data use the Print History features instead.

Report Preview

  1. Print

    Print the current report.

  2. Test Print

    Send a test print of the current report to the printer.

  3. Queue

    Open the Print Queue to view or change existing jobs.

  4. Change Parameters

    Change the report parameters. For more information see Report Parameters.

  5. Write to Text File

    Export the report to a text file.

  6. Close Report

    Exit the current report and return the the EasyLabel home screen.

  7. Report Preview

    Displays a preview of the report to be printed.

  8. File Menu

    The file menu is used to open, print, and clear reports.

Report Parameters

  • Dates

    Displays a range of dates covered by the report.

  • Destination

    Selects the print destination for the report. This can either be a printer or a file.

  • Printer Setup

    Select yes to change printer options for the report.

  • Font Setup

    Select yes to change the font used by the report.

  • Top Margin

    Select the distance between the top of the paper and the printed data.

  • Left Margin

    Select the distance between the left of the paper and the printed data.

  • Print All

    Select yes to print all reports in the folder when the current report is printed.

  • Report Title

    Enter the title that should appear at the top of each page.

  • Daily Subtotals

    Select yes to print daily subtotals for each date in the report.

  • Include Fields

    Select the fields to include in the report. Each field has a heading and width which can be entered.

    • Field Heading

      The name to use for the field when printing.

    • Field Width

      The maximum width of the field or 0 for the default.

File Menu


  • Label Format

    Create a new label format file.

  • Database

    Create a new dBase database using the Easylabel internal database editor.

  • Serial File

    Create a serial file that will be used to keep track of a counter on your label template.

  • Job List

    Create a job list that saves print jobs to be printed or reprinted another time.


  • Label Format

    Edit an existing Easylabel label format file for editing.

  • Database

    Edit an existing dBase database that was previously created with the Easylabel internal database editor.

  • Serial File

    Edit an existing serial file.

  • Job List

    Edit an existing job list file.

  • Report File

    View and print an existing label report file that was created by printing label formats with the Report option enabled. This report can also be viewed with Microsoft Excel, but should not be edited.

Write to Text File

Export the report to a text file.

Erase Format Tracking Data

Erase the data contained in the current report.

Erase All Tracking Data

Erase tracking data for all reports in the same folder as the current report.


Print the current report.

Test print

Send a test print of the current report to the printer.


Open the Print Queue window to:

  • Track and edit print jobs

  • Test print

  • Check a printer’s status

  • Access available printer functions

  • Send code directly to a printer


  • About

    Display software version information.

  • Check License Status

    Display or update your current license and check for newer versions of Easylabel. See EASYLABEL License Tool for more info.

  • Enable Diagnostic Logging

    A feature used by Easylabel’s technical support to help troubleshoot issues.

  • Create an Error Report

    Create a file that includes software and system information used for Easylabel support.


Exit the current report and return the the EasyLabel home screen.