Job List Editor

Job List

  1. Print

    Print all the jobs in the job list.

  2. Queue

    Open the Print Queue to view or change existing jobs.

  3. Add Job

    Add a new job to the job list. For more information see Print Request.

  4. Edit Job

    Change the parameters of the selected job. For more information see Print Request.

  5. Delete Job

    Remove the selected job from the job list.

  6. Move Up

    Move the selected job up so that it prints earlier.

  7. Move Down

    Move the selected job down so that it prints later.

  8. Close Joblist

    Exit the User Configuration screen and return to the EASYLABEL Home screen.

  9. Job List

    • No.

      The job number, this shows the order that each job will be printed.

    • Format Name

      The name of the format file to be printed.

    • Printer Name

      The configured printer that the job will print to.

    • Batch Size

      The number of labels in each batch.

    • Number of Batches

      The number of batches to print. Each batch will print multiple labels up to the limit set by Batch Size. The first label in each batch updates data such as incremented fields. The remaining labels in a batch are copies.

    • Hold Job

      If yes then the job will be added to the Print Queue as a frozen job and will need to be manually started.

    • Description

      The description of the job.

  10. File Menu The file menu is used to create, open, save, and print job lists.

File Menu


Create a job list that saves print jobs to be printed or reprinted another time.


Edit an existing job list file.


Save the currently opened file.

Save As

Save the opened file with a new name.


Print all the jobs in the job list.


Open the Print Queue window to:

  • Track and edit print jobs

  • Test print

  • Check a printer’s status

  • Access available printer functions

  • Send code directly to a printer


  • About

    Display software version information.

  • Check License Status

    Display or update your current license and check for newer versions of Easylabel. See EASYLABEL License Tool for more info.

  • Enable Diagnostic Logging

    A feature used by Easylabel’s technical support to help troubleshoot issues.

  • Create an Error Report

    Create a file that includes software and system information used for Easylabel support.