Multi-Source Field

  1. Field Properties

    Change field parameters like field name and orientation. For more information see View Field Specifications.

  2. Field Data Segments

    A list of control characters, values and fields on the label format that can be copied into the field.

  3. Literal Strings / Existing Fields

    Choose from existing fields or enter values in quotes, like “1234”, to be inserted into the field.

  4. Control Characters

    Choose control characters such as Function 1 (FNC1) or Records Separator (RS) to be inserted into the field.

  5. Insert Data into Field Data Segments List

    Insert fields, values or control characters shown in the “Literal Strings / Existing Fields” text box into the field.

  6. Existing Data Segments

    A list of fields that is not visible on the label format, but can be used as the source of data for other fields.

  7. New

    Create a new data field. For more information see View Field Specifications.

  8. Edit

    Edit a data segment field select in the “Existing Data segments” list.

  9. Delete

    Delete a data segment field selected in the “Existing Data segments” list.

  10. Insert Data Segment

    Insert a selected data segment into the field.

  11. Remove Field Data Segment from the Field

    Remove a selected Field Data Segment from the field.

  12. Move Up

    Move a selected field data segment up in the order that it will link into the field.

  13. Move Down

    Move a selected field data segment down in the order that it will link into the field.

  14. Cancel

    Close the Multi-Source dialog without creating or making changes to the field.

  15. OK

    Create the Multi-Source field or confirm changes made to an existing field.