GS1 Barcode WizardΒΆ

  1. Add

    Select an Application Identifier to add to the field and fill in the appropriate data.

  2. Application Identifiers included in code

    • No.

      The number or order in which the Application Identifiers are listed.

    • AI

      Application Identifier - the number identifier for the type of data being used.

    • Description

      The descriptive name of the Application Identifier being used.

    • Data

      The information that is stored within the field.

    • Field Name

      The identifier for the field.

  3. Move Up

    Move a selected application identifier up in the order that it will link into the barcode.

  4. Move Down

    Move a selected application identifier down in the order that it will link into the barcode.

  5. Edit

    Select a listed AI and edit the field information, including Field Name and Source of Data.

  6. Delete

    Select and remove a field from the list.

  7. Preview

    A preview of how the information would be displayed, shown as human readable text.

  8. Display interpretation text

    Enable or disable the human readable interpretation text that usually appears below the barcode.

  9. Finish

    Create the barcode and exit the Barcode Wizard. The next prompt will be the Barcode Field Properties. For more information see Barcode Field Properties.

  10. Cancel

    Close the Barcode Wizard without creating the barcode.