Connection Properties

Data Source

  1. Data source

    The print history data source. Choose between Microsoft Access and SQL Server.

  2. Data provider

    The data provider for the selected data source. Use this to change the database driver.

  3. OK

    Choose the selected data source and provider.

  4. Cancel

    Close this dialog.


  1. Data Source

    The data source and provider. Click the button to open the Data Source dialog.

  2. Server Name

    The name or uri of the server to connect to.

  3. Authentication

    Enter the authentication information used to connect to the server.

  4. Database

    Select the database on the server to connect to.

  5. Advanced

    Set advanced connection properties for the provider.

  6. Test Connection

    Attempt to connect to the database.

  7. OK

    Save the database connection.

  8. Cancel

    Keep the previous database connection.


  1. Data Source

    The data source and provider. Click the button to open the Data Source dialog.

  2. Database File

    Select the Access database file.

  3. Authentication

    Enter the username and password for the Access file.

  4. Advanced

    Set advanced connection properties for the provider.

  5. Test Connection

    Attempt to connect to the database.

  6. OK

    Save the database connection.

  7. Cancel

    Keep the previous database connection.