Barcode Field Properties

General tab

  1. Field Name

    The identifier for the field.

  2. Comment

    An optional note that can be used to provide additional field information.

  3. Enable Printing

    Set printing to Yes, No, or Conditional.

  4. Lock Field

    Enable or disable the ability to edit a field.

  5. Report Data

    Enable data reporting for that field. Field information will appear in a report file.

Barcode tab

  1. Symbology

    Select the barcode type.

  2. Subset

    Choose the barcode subset. This is a more refined barcode selection.

  3. Check Digit

    Enable an optional check digit that is common for the chosen symbology.

  4. Interpretation

    Enable or disable the human readable interpretation text that usually appears below the barcode.

  5. Bar code Height

    Set the height of the barcode in inches or millimeters.

  6. Bar Width Multiplier

    Set the width of the barcode. This is based on the smallest bar in the barcode.

  7. Added Characters

    Enable additional special characters and check digits.

Source tab

  1. Source of Data

    Select the type of source for the field.

  2. Fixed Data

    Enter the fixed value for the barcode contents.

  3. Add-on characters

    Attach leading or trailing values to a field.

Increment tab

  1. Inc/Decrement Field

    Select whether to include an optional increment or decrement.

  2. Type of Incrementation

    Set the type of value that the incrementing field will change by. The most common types are Numeric and Alphanumeric.

  3. Change Amount

    Enter the amount by which to change the field when it is Incremented or Decremented.

  4. Increment/Decrement Minimum

    Enter the value the field should be reset to after reaching the maximum value.

  5. Increment/Decrement Maximum

    Enter the maximum value the field can reach before rolling over to the minimum value.

Parameters tab

  1. Field Direction

    Set the orientation of the field.