Shape Field Properties

General tab

  1. Field Name

    The identifier for the field.

  2. Comment

    An optional note that can be used to provide additional field information.

  3. Horizontal Position

    The horizontal position of the field.

  4. Vertical Position

    The vertical position of the field.

  5. Enable Printing

    Set printing to Yes, No, or Conditional.

  6. Lock Field

    Enable or disable the ability to edit a field.

Parameters tab

  1. Field Width

    The width of the field.

  2. Field Height

    The height of the field.

  3. Horizontal Thickness

    The thickness of the horizontal lines in the shape.

  4. Vertical Thickness

    The thickness of vertical lines in the shape.

  5. Shape

    The shape variation.

  6. Fill Pattern

    The pattern used for the filled part of the shape.

  7. Gray Level

    The amount of shading used with the solid fill pattern.