VoiceCode Field Properties

General tab

  1. Field Name

    The identifier for the field.

  2. Comment

    An optional note that can be used to provide additional field information.

  3. Report Data

    Enable data reporting for that field. Field information will appear in a report file.

  4. Enable Printing

    Set printing to Yes, No, or Conditional.

  5. Lock Field

    Enable or disable the ability to edit a field.

Source tab

  1. Source of Data

    Select the type of source for the field.

  2. Fixed Data

    Enter the fixed value for the field contents.

Parameters tab

  1. Horizontal Position

    The horizontal position of the field.

  2. Vertical Position

    The vertical position of the field.

  3. Field Width

    The width of the field.

  4. Field Height

    The height of the field.

  5. VoiceCode Style

    Changes the style of the VoiceCode.

  6. Typeface

    Select and change the font of the text.

  7. Font Style

    Select a style of the chosen typeface. This includes regular, bold, and italic.

  8. Small Font Point Size

    Select the size of the smaller text in points. This is the left text in a VoiceCode field.

  9. Large Font Point Size

    Select the size of the larger text in points. This is the right text in a VoiceCode field.

  10. Field Direction

    Set the orientation of the field.